Arri MB-20II



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5.65″x5.65″ Compact Matte Box MB-20 and MB-20 System II are modular systems that can be adapted for use
on film and video camera lightweight supports, bridge plate support rods, or as a clamp-on sunshade.


ARRIs new and innovative patent-pending cage design allows for use of videography-style light shields
without sacrificing durability, and gives full protection of the sunshade against shocks.
Aside from the basic module and light shields, all parts from MB-20 System I compatible with System II
Designed for film and digital cameras
Works with wide-angle HD zooms
Modular construction allows all mounting options
Offers up to three independently rotating filter stages
Accommodates a wide range of filter sizes
All filters can be individually rotated and locked off
Can be equipped with top, bottom, side flags and masks
Provides an upgrade path as wider HD lenses come to market
Locking swing-away lens access
New patent-pending cage